Thursday, January 16, 2014

HazzardAyre:The Facebook of Radio, Both online and on the air


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When both member and none member associates and friends ask me why they should get involved in HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel I tell them, what we have first is not new, just taking a different delivery path. For a decade now DixieDiesel, came into be what all radio especially long haul over the road trucker radio was meant to be, done with the kind of spirit and flavor that could only be from people with their heart in Hazzard County. Along came 2010 and we brought our warbird radio gig and our kountry southern gearhead including bikers community into one show HazzardAyre. Which has grown on its own through syndicated distribution. Now its time to take the path that I’m sure Mark Zuckerburg took in that dorm room, decided to take, time to crap or get off the pot. Something new, spirited , ambitious, and full fight the system, right to the edge rebel. In social media it was checking out what your friends were doing. Who they were seeing, dating, eating, watching. In radio is tuning into radio that looks at all types of things from how the smell of a woman's butt effects a guys sex drive, to looking back to vintage disco bands such as Earth Wind And Fire. Educating northern Yankees of the information on the cause of the southern movement. This is HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel.

Mark had three things in his favor, he had the IT/TECH background to pull it off, two he was on the campus of a ivory league college, and he had a bit more capital to get started. Thing is we are already started, we just need it directed towards the Internet, we gathered some new gear. Myself I have been stalling for two months thinking I was making a physical move from Idaho to Utah. While moving HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel to Ogden Utah is a good idea, if I get out of that toew truck cab, I am doing what I said in 1977 I would never do. Neglect towing in favor of radio. I will not be just a front. If I’m not towing I have no reason to be the industries voice. So I stay for 7 months in Idaho, refine some things here, while we build the radio gig in Utah. Which satisfies both sides.

I’ll get into some personal stuff later on, but know this, while there is all kinds of online radio stations, just like when Mark started there was all kinds of social media, MySpace etc, hell even Yahoo and MSN had chat rooms. Mark changed that, and in his shadow came Twitter. In our case, HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel Stands alone. Ready to do battle, and that means having the right people both at the studios, as well as doing the tasks from remote locations such as Richie and Eli, but know this HazzardAyre is poised to do for radio at a time radio needs a kick in its complacency, what Facebook did for the web, and Internet.

More L8R


Quote of the Day:
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

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DixieDiesel/HazzardAyre should be praised not condemned.



Every day I run into someone that will say, damn you like stirring the beans don’t you? Fact is , yes I do. I do not and will not let this magical medium called radio go stale. I don’t give a rats ass if the tech and car companies are moving to paid services for radio, likewise going to HD Radio, damn weren’t we barking about doing that YEARS ago? But I can think off the top of my head as spinning as it is, of what ground we did break through Dixie-Diesel/HazzardAyre Radio. First we broke ground of total full album airing. Not just a song choice from an album , but playing the whole thing and not editing during that airing. When truckers and gear heads wanted in on the latest NASCAR race, who was there to deliver? HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel. What we did, was just plug the audio out from a TV into the board, but hey at least it was LIVE Nascar. Nobody else was doing it. The information series TalkNet, 5 hours of evening radio talk , by some pretty heavy weights, from Sally Jessie, to Bernard Meltzer, who aired it? We did. Who was the first REAL full program, NBC affiliate in Idaho? Yes us. Who aired despite the panic, Dr. Ruth? Again yes, DixieDiesel/HazzardAyre.

As we get ready to unplug partly the operation and move it to Utah to create the main HQ, of all of HazzardAyre/Confederate Steele, I want to say this. The little twits that we welcomed in that did not stay that thought their little lily might get tarnished, To those that could not and would not help, from Gina over at Zeb Bell/KBAR to pal at KEZJ , Kelly, you called us and me the Wolf in amongst the sheep. And I welcome that description, but you have to admit, the radio you all run now, our operation did first, and you learned from us. I think its time the local media players from Kim Lee to Chris Prue over at 11, we deserve some public ink and praise. We taught you. You took news stories and ideas from us, you thought you could force us out. Ya’ll didn’t. But Twin Falls has become greedy and thinks its poop don’t stink , thus charges through the yea hoo, for office studio space. If it was anyone else wanting those office spaces we looked at, we’dve been in there by now. But because it’s a aviator/biker group that wants in no way.

Magic Valley media as much as you have tried to kill us, the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as subsidiary, the AyreWolvez, have grown from 10 gearheads in Hagerman in 1982 to 50,000 members nationwide with 1,000 members in each state of the union.

The next time folks you hear somebody doing something you think is far out on radio. Think of it this way, it was probably done first by one of the crew here at HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel Radio.


Quote of the Day:
Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.
--H.L. Mencken
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

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Long night on air, don’t anyone bother me until 13:00 hours Mountain Standard Time.

RADIO BLOG1271735_165776720293811_1617068101_o

Long night, I’m tyred, need sleep. So all that might need to, or be tempted to call me before 13:00 hours, don’t I’m headed for my bed. Will see all sometime after 13:00 hours, for you civilians 13;00 is 1:00 pm.

L8R aviators

big byeclub savefacebook warning1

Quote of the Day:
Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.
--H.L. Mencken
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

946734_10200757185752132_1261886901_nknytes tail script

Self Control (Extended) - Laura Branigan

Godley & Creme - Cry (12" Extended Remix) (+playlist)

Goldfrapp - Fly Me Away (+playlist)

Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (+playlist) - O is the One - Apparel 2012 : 30 (+playlist)

Jackson Browne - Running On Empty + lyrics (+playlist)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I have an idea , lets just throw the internet away cuzz its all used up


I am always amazed that for all the heavy duty dollars poured over the damn internet, and the vast reach of what should be available for free on the web, that its still nearly as limited as when the damn thing was created eons ago. Ask Google for a answer for something and you’ll only get data bases of things that are nothing more than camouflaged malware or worse, sites, but not what your looking for. Ever try to simply find a hose map to a 75 Chevy 1 ton truck with dual tanks? I know long before the confounded Internet, but you’d think that such a thing would be accessible for free. I understand both Chilton and Haynes needs to make a buck, but you’d thing that the authors publishers would give you a simple page free. Nope. Which and I used to have one, but ya’ll have much of this, but ya’ll remember two years ago, we leave for Sturgis, we come back LexiBelle vandalized and shop raped. Many of those manuals burned, so slowly been trying to rebuild,  but gave up rebuilding in Idaho a year ago, see another entry elsewhere.

The who that poked my fuel tank, took my chains, extra dolly wheels and tires, and shattered my windshield, plus took my tag lights, ranks right up there with the prick who went hunting on our farm, that shot my dog Mitzsey. If I ever find out the who, I’ll enjoy killing them by hand. Do you think of killing people? It’s not that hard. People are replaceable. The human skull squashes like a tomato, its fun to shoot em, especially between eyes. Watch the skull spit wide open then look in the brain. Sorry got off subject, just describing what’s going to happen when I find out who violated LexiBelle, as well as took my puppy away from me.

But with all the so called device improvements , like cars that can drive themselves, the story of the price Google paid for some home device company, and yet the web itself is so slow to come to point that it make a coon dog look like it’s a bionic critter.

Now understand I sympathize with all out there online, like myself and the Knytes trying to generate an honest dollar through information data bases , in essence the web. What I don’t dig is the ass holes who kick the ass of every honest person online . Dig this; your local ISP can begin trolling what you see online and limit your bandwidth if your telecomm thinks what your looking at is dirty. That’s right YOUR Obama Supreme Court says free speech is no longer free speech at least online. Many gripe at me about pushing our CSA agenda. But if the southern forms and concepts of Government are not brought into being much more forcibly, than it already is, every single liberty and freedom you have will be gone, in favor of a one world Government, and one ruler. And no it ain’t going to be Jesus nor any other biblical person or spirit. Its going to be some jackass in India or that immediate area. Look, your Internet traffic, your phone calls are being monitored every hour on the hour. Every second upon centon. The choice of Television is being monitored, you say no, I say yes. Ever wonder why the good stuff is either Cable or satellite? Its so the CIA and others can tap in and reverse the signal intel t6o another data base. The only time you can truly get away, is in your truck to a point, or your bike, on a open road out in the remotest highway . Then you might have a bit of solitude, but even then, there is those eyes in the sky.

The Government hooked you through the Internet, enhanced that data feeling through cable TV, and pretty soon if we ain’t careful there’s going to be a camera, in your bedroom, telling you what hand to use, or that the act your performing on that young lady is not in accordance with proper sexual behavior. I can just see it now, standing there in front of a cop in your BVD’s saying something like, “ honest officer, all I wanted to do is experiment a little” Naw that ain’t going to happen. Then they’re going to pen us all up in a cage, burn down your house, torch your hot rod, your bike and your aircraft, then issue you, a cardboard house, a Government styled car, and give you an already formed Government job. Think of the opening to the now defunct TV series Weeds, on Showtime. Its called Government does it all, which is Communism which was assembled by Abe Lincoln, and Marxism, that was laid out by Abe Lincoln. And that’s what the Confederates have been fighting against ever since. Ya’ll thought it was because of slavery and racism, in reality, it was about unfair tariffs , taxation and nationwide oppression.

Any way, Gotta head to bed , have much to do, Thursday, going to go try and get things back in motion. Oh wanted to throw this out as I close, got a call from that Jap lady by the name of Flower that runs the hair place called Today’s Image, saying she did not feel comfortable in renting us her tiny office here. Which I already kicked down the road. Get quoted $300.00 then goes to $450.00. But her reason? She did not want to be around military people, and a organization that supports military aviation . Really. First no surprise after all the lady comes from the nation of the red rising sun, and two, next time she happens to be standing there in her shop, eating what she wants to, going where she wants to, she might remember its those military people she does not want to be around, that made that possible. I say lets box her up and send her back to her slant eyed red ball nation.

L8R Ya’ll

csaflag  big bye

Quote of the Day:
The easiest thing to find is fault.
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

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Even the Government backed payments questioned.


So I had just started to drift off to sleep, after finding some piece on earth, when I get this phone call from some big ass’d management outfit with a property I was kickin around over yonder in Tooele. Seemed like I had a deal, cept I explained I got SSI, as my primary income, adios amigo was how that call ended. Seems as though Landlords all of a sudden are backing away from Uncle Obama’s money, since its not garnishable. Really? If Social Security income is not garnishable, then how come when we got that Government stimulus payment in 2008, The Idaho Department of H & W, stepped in and snatched my goodness gracious $300.00 stimulus money for some back child support. That turned out to be a fuck up on their end , but I never got the $300.00 back neither. In fact I don’t think the H&W had the legal authority or legally could snag you Social Security that the payment was, but my they sure as hell did their best and did it well.

Another thing for another day.

I have always said , what you want to do is aim for those smaller firms that have a heart as well as a mature brain, that’s trying to help people, that got their balls squeezed a bit too tight over these last 10 years due to Yankee Union Government corruption and greed. Today the bastards in DC don’t call it a tariff, they call in taxation, but its still economic bullying, to get more of your sweat and money from YOUR pocket. \

That said once the Yankees squeeze you out like a tube of toothpaste, looking for decent , not fancy or grand, decent housing, can be frustrating. Oh and don’t say your military. The idea you’re here today, might be gone soon, don’t settle well. So most will not rent to you. Even if you tell em your discharged,. Since all those places you had to leave due to transfers to new assignments. Don’t try and explain, to most civvies that You’re the reason, they are not eating with chop sticks, or bowing down in the middle of the day. Don’t relate You’re the reason that the South American Narcotics cartels are not following you or your kids around.  Since it was YOU in those areas keeping peace and helping authorities make lasting apprehensions. No don’t try to explain that. Do not try to explain to older cable and such companies, that you wanted to pay that cable bill, but where to you pay it in downtown Bagdad?  It’s hey give me a damn break.

I hear every once in awhile from some kid at the grocery store, or someone who recognizes the patches and the eagles I wear on my collar, the thank you for your service. What I want to see and hear from is these outfits that promise to help , to do just that help, without regard to a DD214. Military, knows those from military. There is no hiding, it. There’s no faking that. Oh and those that try to trace a service members records that can’t. There might be a reason those records are being covered. Don’t push the damn issue. Just approve that person. That’s one of many things we do here in the Knytes, many of you know that. That’s why there is such a need for our radio network and all and why I’m thankful for our gal in Colorado at Comcast , Laura, and my Chief Engineer Eli. In 8 months according to all reports, there is going to be just under 2, million military returning home. Many for discharge,. These brethren are going to need psych counseling, housing, job location help, the works. We as a group do what we can, but what we don’t do, we work to find who does. However most military have tuned into us on mil bases, as well as ships and carriers around the world. They know HazzardAyre. We want to make sure that promise we made on air is carried through to the feet of that soldier, jarhead, and sailor, as well as airman. When he comes to us, we demand that we do more than do a simple thank you for your service. We exchange the service from them to service from us to them. That’s why the radio net lives to tell them where to find us. As well as things military people need to know.

That’s why only the best of the best will do for us. In our Internet service we have Laura, and Comcast. In Engineering I have Eli, and Richie, in html. Only one will be patched by the end of the year, but here’s the thing, we believe, like many of ya’ll do, that uniform you take off , does not stop your sworn duty to this nation, neither does our duty to you, who are just like all so many of our membership, yours truly included.

Any mile, time for my afternoon nap, Doctor says I have to take one from 14:00 to 18:00 every day for two months. Says it allows mind and body time to heal.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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Don’t forget there were elections last July,


There has been some grumbling from the hallowed halls lately so I thought I’d try to dispel and quiet some of the noise.

Most of the talk has been that money has become a mere trickle, like that of the water out of a faucet in sub zero weather.

Remember the club has just under $300,million in its stash. With the new officers in charge of the treasury , as well as a new V-P, new high council , officers, melding in with older ones like myself, and those trying to mend fences, and coming to the table for money requests, its going to take more than a month for everybody to get back up to warp speed. My heart scare, my DVT scare, and all means, I’m going to have to give some responsibility to people, that here to fore were good soldiers, but now need to take up some slack in the decision making as well as execution departments. There is only three main things on the boards for 2014. Get HazzardAyre moved to Utah, half of it in Ogden, the other half in Tooele. Where it looks I will be lying down every night. Main reason, shop/hangar Miller Sports Park, there and Tooele County Airport. Plus remember Barb lives there and a invite for her to get back with the club might help. But the first order of business is to get me and HazzardAyre moved to Utah. Obviously second order of operation, is to get HazzardAyre Radio up and flowing out over both the airwaves as well as cyber space. Looked over the landscape, both Stockton (a real town north of Tooele Utah) as well as Grantsville have open allocations of air space for a OTA station. But lets get up and going. This means end of February, I’m going to be counting on Laura at Comcast to have all what we need finalized on that end, and Eli, already over to Utah to have that running.

There is two weeks out of February, I missed this last year, I ain’t missing this year. I through HD, have a over pit box seat for Daytona , and the Daytona 500. Considering the year I have gone through I need this.

From March on, its purify and raise the octane of HazzardAyre in Utah, plus we’ll be planning DukesFest West aka Hazzard Nationals, maybe we can coax the powers that be a LHM, there to rent for cheap LHMMSP for our event. If I Remembers right that sight was where the club was planning on having the first DukesFest. At least not in Tennessee, or Georgia. I say time has arrived.

So in closing, yes money is as slow as molasses out of a maple tree, but remember every dime has to be accounted for, from the previous treasurer , and the new Treasurer , plus all the new officers need to get seated, and the High Council needs to get seated. All previous debts need to be accounted for, so yes stuff will get paid, including Nurse GoodBody, who says she did not tell Britt the club was full of shit or blowing smoke. But even Erin will get back her helpful, but her $700.00 back. However, too when that happens, there wont be no more a western Idaho sub charter of the Knytes.

In short, yes money is slow coming, but remember we had elections in July and its taking time for all to get seated.

L8R Ya’ll

big byeclub save

Quote of the Day:
Fear is something to be moved through, not something to be turned from.
--Peter McWilliams
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Putting much to bed.


It’s been near 10 years since me and Nurse Goodbody hugged each other, and the way it looks it was the last. My suspicions of things last week and a text I got last night brings to boil, that Erin and I are now to drift apart, and it’s time to put the whatever it was or is to sleep, and say a nice adios.

As I was looking over some old video tapes , I caught two that I made in Tooele when I was linked up with Eva, down there. Likewise Marie. For all that happened, if I had known then what I know now, I should have put the full throttle to about half of the gals we had there/. I can say we were successful and if what I’m getting from there is accurate, Tooele needs us back. But where ever I end up lighting residency wise, HazzardAyre is headed to Ogden. When you begin packing up your life, whether its been a year at a particular location or several years, as you thumb through the digital, as well as Kodak and Polaroid photos, you think on the history . The events, fun, friends and yes even the Wolf out sessions with she wolvez. You think what if and could have been’s. Thing is those moments will never return, what was is just that what was. And sometimes a person outgrows a certain place, that quite frankly I do not belong in, in the first place. even from the first shovel of dirt turned on the big house near Hazzard, I wish sure as there will be morning, God had never brought us up here. I wish Mom & Dad would have sold the place, kicked back , played Golf and or bought that Airstream trailer he wanted and traveled. Had he done that Dad might have lived 10 or so years longer, I would be married , college graduate either working at, or owner of some media company or deep into aerospace. No we got to come up here. We have to nearly pay for or buy or gift to this entire forking valley and what do I, what does the club? And most importantly when has this stinking little Payton Place, gave a thank you to MY Mom & Dad, The Montgomery Foundation, for the financial gifts we gave?

Bottom line , the Montgomery’s are out of here. Out of Idaho. In fact I’m going to do my damndest to exhume my Mom & Dad from their graves in Grace Idaho, and move them to Utah, plus I’m going to see if I can legally change where I was born, so I can say Idaho , I never knew you. Much less wanted to.

No, Erin declined coffee,. It might be because of her daughter taking up ill, but I’ll bet you a oil change it was because I asked her to bumb Skoal. Thank God I’m getting out of here.

Next entry , medical malpractice ? It is the question, by Doctors and medical aids not keeping up with patients, certain patients with serious conditions fall between the cracks. Maybe its time we found a computer or an MH like they have on Star Trek Voyager. You summon the MH, it appears, you describe the medical situation, it treats you, and records when it needs to remind you to go see you dietician, on your diabetes treatment, or for that matter asking you to come into the office for an exam. Or the head shrink, place that’s supposed to be monitoring you meds, forgets to remind you on the third you have an appointment. Even the day of the appointment, no phone call. Hmmm, aren’t I the person, looking for mental health treatment? The list goes on. I’ll research some things get some email address’ of some agencies so you can do your own investigation.

Not saying Utah is much better, but here’s a quick example, my 5th cousin on mom’s side VV Telford a distinguished medical Doctor had diagnosed me with ulcers, even pancreatic. In the end the pain they had been treating with anti acids, and stopping the cramps by taking Midol, was infact gall stones and a messed up gall bladder. It wasn’t until I got moved to Utah when I had a stone trying to pass that was so painful, that Bud got a doc there to treat me and cure if possible. An ultrasound, micro surgery, and about 3 hours of time, and that’s no problem, except every once in awhile I get a slight yuckie tummy, but its better than what I was going through and these idiots here in Twin Falls. I am willing to believe, had we had both Mom and Dad treated in Boise, or Salt Lake City, they might have made it another 10 years or so. I don’t blame Verge, he did the best he could, but the fact that those supposed to be expert aids and all that kept telling Verge I had a bad stomach, only partly right, its my damn gall bladder. duh.

Any mile it was a great show last night. More on medical stupid, later today.


Quote of the Day:
God looks at the clean hands, not the full ones.
--Publilius Syrus
1 John 4:20-21“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Then there are those things you want from cyber space and things you’d like to Delete.


Then there are those things you love, but find difficult to have. Example, I have been looking over many searches to find my Google Desktop. Something I used to enjoy and relish for its expediency, in finding content. But for some reason in 2011, Google decided to discontinue it. Somebody refurbished the program and its back up for Win 7, 8 . Groovy, maybe now we could get someone to resurrect Clippy, the paper clip assistant from Microsoft’s Office programs. Which really could be kuel.

Of course there are those things that you’d like to delete. Not programs persay, but those things we get in our inbox, that we have no interest in any more. Like Information Age’s email news. I gave up all the Spencer Davis publications when I found that KATT was a hot young intern that got the shaft by a adult supervisor. Plus when they decided to go strictly digital. The content , the news the entire publication went into the pigeon shit pile, but no matter how many times I punch unsubscribe, it keeps coming.

The news service called Politico, is the same way. After the 2008 elections I did not need that 411, I wanted to opt out. Problem is, Politico will not let you opt out. There’s several online colleges that are the same way. Unless you can drive, physically to one of their campus’ to discuss the serious reasons they need to quit bothering you, they will pester you, for months. If you can’t drive to a campus, the only alternatives are a heated phone call or the email to them that reads, don’t go away mad, just go the fuck away. Street metaphorically correct adjectives are appropriate. It does get their attention.

The reason these outfits keep pestering you, like that is so that you will break down and enroll. In the case with Politico, numbers equate to ad dollars. Giving you the ability to opt out drops their ad income about $10,000.00 per user per page. So no way they’re letting you go, without a very strong conversation via a lengthy long distant phone call.

Now if I can get my dream, again, my little buddy, Clippy back.


Quote of the Day:
WARNING: Repeated brain usage may be harmful to others.
2 Corinthians 5:19-20“that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

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