Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Don’t forget there were elections last July,


There has been some grumbling from the hallowed halls lately so I thought I’d try to dispel and quiet some of the noise.

Most of the talk has been that money has become a mere trickle, like that of the water out of a faucet in sub zero weather.

Remember the club has just under $300,million in its stash. With the new officers in charge of the treasury , as well as a new V-P, new high council , officers, melding in with older ones like myself, and those trying to mend fences, and coming to the table for money requests, its going to take more than a month for everybody to get back up to warp speed. My heart scare, my DVT scare, and all means, I’m going to have to give some responsibility to people, that here to fore were good soldiers, but now need to take up some slack in the decision making as well as execution departments. There is only three main things on the boards for 2014. Get HazzardAyre moved to Utah, half of it in Ogden, the other half in Tooele. Where it looks I will be lying down every night. Main reason, shop/hangar Miller Sports Park, there and Tooele County Airport. Plus remember Barb lives there and a invite for her to get back with the club might help. But the first order of business is to get me and HazzardAyre moved to Utah. Obviously second order of operation, is to get HazzardAyre Radio up and flowing out over both the airwaves as well as cyber space. Looked over the landscape, both Stockton (a real town north of Tooele Utah) as well as Grantsville have open allocations of air space for a OTA station. But lets get up and going. This means end of February, I’m going to be counting on Laura at Comcast to have all what we need finalized on that end, and Eli, already over to Utah to have that running.

There is two weeks out of February, I missed this last year, I ain’t missing this year. I through HD, have a over pit box seat for Daytona , and the Daytona 500. Considering the year I have gone through I need this.

From March on, its purify and raise the octane of HazzardAyre in Utah, plus we’ll be planning DukesFest West aka Hazzard Nationals, maybe we can coax the powers that be a LHM, there to rent for cheap LHMMSP for our event. If I Remembers right that sight was where the club was planning on having the first DukesFest. At least not in Tennessee, or Georgia. I say time has arrived.

So in closing, yes money is as slow as molasses out of a maple tree, but remember every dime has to be accounted for, from the previous treasurer , and the new Treasurer , plus all the new officers need to get seated, and the High Council needs to get seated. All previous debts need to be accounted for, so yes stuff will get paid, including Nurse GoodBody, who says she did not tell Britt the club was full of shit or blowing smoke. But even Erin will get back her helpful, but her $700.00 back. However, too when that happens, there wont be no more a western Idaho sub charter of the Knytes.

In short, yes money is slow coming, but remember we had elections in July and its taking time for all to get seated.

L8R Ya’ll

big byeclub save

Quote of the Day:
Fear is something to be moved through, not something to be turned from.
--Peter McWilliams
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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