Saturday, November 30, 2013

Could have been done sooner?


So I woke up after going to sleep through a partly groovy movie on FX, and decide that if I’m to go snag pies and milk from Smiths best get at it. There is only three reasons I go to Smiths now, One the Hostess Fruit pies are still only a buck. My prescriptions are there and there’s a hot young curly haired super babe that works there, that has just enough of a tease that lets you think, but knowing her now for near a year the reality is no she ain’t , besides she knows where the Wolf’s Lair is, 1475937_551304734963775_1011688904_nSo that’s that on that.

Okay ain’t seen hyde nor hair of our new engineer, for a week after he promised a early morning recon mission, I t might be that he thinks its that I dig his old lady. Thing is she’s saying she’s working on the Web site, I want to know what that damn hell she’s doing with it.

When it comes to babes on film for the club or us here at DixieWolf, someone and know as of yet I ain’t writing that book, but there ought to be a book written on how to not only find, female acting modeling talent, but what to do to cultivated that talent, and see it mature to the point you can feel safe to cast it or her in a commercial.

Over the last two years I have learned two things. First when first interviewing model talent especially here in rural southern Idaho where the minds have not truly expanded beyond the area or the LDS or other restrictive religious body. What I have learned do not ask or even suggest she take off her shoes and allow you to smooch her toes in or out of nylon hose. We all know what that’s about, TR FootNotes knows what its all about, and 50,000 members of the Knytes know what that’s about, but these local little Princess’ have no idea and run as fast as one can in the Hazzard jump and fly contest. For all the occasions that I have been accused of, suggestedly been involved in or other of doing the animal carnal release of endorphins with a model especially here I should have. There was about 8 times the invite was there, and with less that the slightest wink, it could have been done, but at the time I wasn’t looking to get laid, just image on TV for DW and a voice on air for HazzardAyre. But damn I should have sniffed, kissed, sucked and plucked for all the ones that say I near did.

Of course and maybe this is too soon, but when I first got here, and Old Big C’s other half started bitching about the recruiting of puss for ads, and all I should have stood up and said, oh please do, my butts covered this is what it is, this is what its all about , if ya’ll don’t like it too bad, don’t tell me how to run my outfit, I ‘ll not tell you how to run yours. By the end of March first of April, I’ll be in Utah running our op, but it hurts, a guy who I cared allot about allowing his she to trash me like that.

Then there was the gal who said she wanted in as a bar manager. Really, she got some people together, but getting pushy damn near killed any chance of any of that. Still might, the decision of where the Reaper Club will, be is Ft. Bridger Wyoming, Echo Utah, and of course here in Tweaker Flatts. Jared yesterday told me if I get it going, he’ll invest in it, so will be re-examining that starting Monday. Ya’ll might ask why, first it’ll bring in money for the club and me, second, in part of it I can put the radio station and third that location has been a dream for years, but its going to take a lot for me to trust someone with such a thing. Damn well not that little trouble maker from Jerome. Do you realize she texted med on Wednesday wanting money. Says she wants to take it to court, I say please do. Shit if it goes to court at least I know if I pay the money and get a document signed she can’t come back and bark for more. Bottom feeders do that. Oh , her, Mandy and a few more pretty much crapped on any chance of working or being any part of the Reaper. I do not give second or third chances.

But there ought to be a book written on hiring females for anything out of the normal. In order, don’t hire anyone living in or near Twin Falls Idaho as most are very stuck up, prudish and clannish.

Second, if you do hire one from here, wear a Elder plaque on your chest or at least a fish on your lapel. Whether or not you really walk in the steps of God, (1st Timothy talks about that) you have to walk around and be around people just so you can be accepted. The Bible calls it Blaspheme I call it worse than putting on a front.

and 3rd, do not bring up doing anything on the TV ad, or whatever that’s not in the usual job description, unless you have it down on paper, with exactly how much she will be paid for the extra curricular activity, how many hours she’ll work at it, and item by item step by step what it is. If not or she don’t sign it, do not , I repeat DON’T DO it.

That includes number 4, do not attempt anything that involves any interchanging or personal exchanges between you and the gal. Beit, kissing her toe to show on TV how much we love to go toewholmes eh  as two words sound alike, spelled different, have a different meaning that together has been an industry standard for two decades. But one that you can’t get past the small Victorian, minds of Tweaker Flatts. Shit they’d rather go get stoned, or wasted .

Bottom line and I ‘ll go into things further Sunday, but as I look at it all, the brighter move would have been move shit to Utah from Burley , not to Twin Falls, in the first place, in essence Could have been done much sooner.

More Sunday.

MY SIG{3}wyldfyre

2 Peter 3:10-11“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives”

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You drag a horse to water but ya’ll can’t make it drink, and if ya’ll hold its head in the bucket all it’ll do is drown:- AyreWolf

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