Monday, December 23, 2013

More Up Front & Serious on HazzardAyre Radio


The manure piles getting deeper. Got a inquiry from a gal from who knows where wanting to be an on air person here at HazzardAyre Radio. Before I get into the problems of technology and limited flow through the cyber fiber pipeline, let me try to define what HazzardAyre Radio is, how it came to be and why its vitally important.

In 1974 a small group of CB radio nuts along with myself got together along with help of our parents in a bigger CB radio organization and formed what was the JR-14 CB Club. As time went on, of course CB’s meant tuning in on truckers. We wanted to grind gears but age limitations stopped that to a point. There were still plenty of us doing farm hauling chores as well as using small ton and half trucks with gooseneck trailers. Of course there were guys like myself who were piloting toew trucks. So as time went on we formed the first and only 4-H truck transportation group called the TeenAge Truckers Association. Loosely mirroring the Independent Truckers Association or ITA, the ITA had the famous magazine called Overdrive. We wanted something too. But thought was radio. The only 24/7/365 voice of the highway. Some negotiation with a high school in northern Idaho and some rather old radio gear came to the small town called Hagerman that was nick named Hazzard, ya’ll know why if you’ve been paying attention. Any myle we went on the air as KDSL or KAY-DIESEL for short at 89.1. Not enough to be a big station power wise, in fact most days and even nights if we got past Wendell, or here to Twin Falls we were lucky. But Luck was on our side if you want to call it that. We started selling radio air time for advertising at $50.00 flat a month. No matter how many times the ad aired during the month. Don’t sound like a lot but with 30 people at $50.00 well you do the math. We now by the highway charge $100.00 a month flat.

We were hammer down on the airwaves, until a program director heard about us and his sidekick sales manager found we were kicking their balls, sales volume wise. So one day here came the Trusty FCC, over we had a long conversation and got legal. In May 1983 officially KTOW or KAY TOW radio went on the air at 105.7 FM, at 50,000 watts. So much so we became the only official NBC station in Idaho. We were airing everything from TalkNet to Dr. Ruth. Of course in 1978, I was well in the Marines. Shortly after of course in 1983 Mom died just before we as a radio station got legal. I was bummed out, and moved to Boise the following year. The station went dark but not dead. Years past and in 2009 the reworked Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association , became the Knytes-of-Anarchy. We said lets refire the station. New license, new call letters the works. Buhl and surrounding area, had numerous spots on the dial but we hold fast on our original frequency but sold the call letters in 2011. But I’m getting ahead of myself. In 2009 we fired up in the small town of Gooding, Idaho. KTOW went up and began blowing away everything in its path. Of course by now our previous shows such as Dixie Diesel and Hazzard County radio was going like a sparkler to dry hay. Going back 10 years from there, in 2000 I had just came home here from service to this damn nation of ours, and discovered in a hangar in Jerome Idaho, not one, not two but 4 F4U Corsairs, world war two fighters for those that do not know. So the Hazzard Knytes decided to create a subsidiary called at first the BlackSheep Flying Club, that went to the BlackSheep Vintage Aviation Association, and was reborn in 2001 in Utah as the AyreWolvez Aviation Association. In 2002 just before the bubble burst for the Montgomery Foundation which is about to be recovered, but I was looking over possible call letters for the station, in Utah. When I discovered a gig out in Nashville ran by a guy named Steve Wolf, who ran a thing called . Understand the man is blind in a wheelchair with a service dog. But he was on the cyber air. I said to the club, that’s how to do this. At the time, the concept of web casting and Internet radio was beyond the comprehension of anybody building websites here in Idaho or even Utah. We got bids from $500.00 to over $15k. But nobody would show us or tell us what we needed on our end. I’ve always prayed that someone that really knew how to do this , for fair pay and accommodations, would fly, drive, here to where we are at, build the system, and well engineer the damn thing.

So in 2009 we were in Gooding. Going like wyldfyre, when money and mail stopped. Post office there had mucho excuses, but I think it was a thing created by the Real Estate guy who rented us the office, and the Post master there. No money, no rent, Richard Strickland legally stole our gear. But at the end a concept was about to pop. We had started running a one and only radio show dedicated to old vintage warbird aircraft. Telling of the stories of those birds, the pilots, the battles everything. Called AyreWolf Radio. Even then on air talent was on short supply. I was running the toew truck, doing 3 radio shows, and still trying to find time to sleep, eat, and well go to the latrine. Took my old Lexi to a local wrench up there thinking he’d cut us a break, but no stiffed me $700.00 to R&R a carb and replace two fuel lines. Still ain’t fixed right, but that’s a subject for a different time. But I got tyred. Moved to Buhl almost within eye sight of the new station studio’s, and near asleep got an awakening, the name of the show, network the website all of it. Again mashing words together, HazzardAyre, Hazzard County Radio, coupled to AyreWolf Radio. This was before Warbird Radio and the like, in fact 1 year before Warbird Radio was created from our initial project ideas. Now lets face it, Yankees have no real knowledge of the rebel south. None. They envision Abe Lincoln as a honest guy, not realizing a bunch of lies, and history too deep to go into here, they need to be educated. I found this network from a recommendation of a member called Dixie Broadcasting . com . I liked what I heard. So thought became take that , add some Hazzard County spice, melt it together, with military aviation history and all that is AyreWolf Radio. And put the thing on the air. So call letters needed to be found. After a lot of searching we fell on KDXB or K-Dixie Broadcasting LLC Mountain West. Sadly though through all the turmoil over the outfits to give us the volume to the cyber pipeline we really need on a budget. We missed the filing deadline for Low Power FM’s, we had all the critters in a row, except we needed (still do) a resident engineer, at least 3 on airs, mostly female as the male anchors will be club members, and one gal to co anchor with me overnight. If one wants to pick out who of Sons of Anarchy I look like, its Bobby. The long hair bearded big guy. Kind as a Teddy bear unless riled. Apparently, being alone in a house studio, with a biker scares the jeeveies out of most of the limited focused women around here. Me personally I don’t see anything wrong with it or any different, doing a show here in the house with many neighbors, or being alone with me in a studio in a remote office downtown with nobody around. But I guess there’s a difference, guess one has to have a vagina to understand it. But understand, from 4 stations situated in good spots, in the Mountain West the northern voice of the Confederacy will be heard. Buhl Idaho, American Falls Idaho, Fort Bridger Wyoming and the one we are working on now, in Woodruff Utah, just north of Evanston Wyoming. Studios in Utah, Buhl, and Wyoming. If a cyber engineer wanted a challenge here it is. More over create a website to carry it on the Internet for less than $1,500.00 . Even less than $1,000.00 . I just wish we could get just one or two computer types, web and guts , to come here to Idaho to start, and build the pipeline, while I’m working on the studio in Layton to power the station in Woodruff. Okay Sunset, but Layton is easier to find on a map. The club would be happy to pay transportation costs, lodging etc, to get someone here to build this. We have a partner in Portland Oregon called Abacast, that will host the site and all, but we need someone to come here and build it. Hey I’m a in front of the mic guy, not the behind the mic, or nuts and bolts person of this okay. What I know about computers could fill a sewing thimble and not much else.

Any myle, got lots to do but that’s what HazzardAyre Radio and soon to be TV is all about. Think of us as a refined Duck Dynasty , done Hazzard style.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
Luke 2:11-14“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.



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Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Up front Report


So let’s be clear about this. First the move to Utah is not a runaway from anything, in fact its more a migration to things better. It’s really nobody’s fault on the overall view of things. Yes we got our rear ends reamed from CenturyLink, EarthLink, Cable-One and a host of others. SpeedConnect is good, but does not have the octane to fuel the needs HazzardAyre Radio. The area here is not receptive to anything without the religious seal of approval, and I’m not just talking Mormons, heck the LDS church truckers are into HazzardAyre as much if not more than most, the log into our email and send song requests more than allot of ya’ll. Nope that’s not it. But the demise of HazzardAyre at least in the Tragic Valley of Idaho, started with Charlie’s wife last year. The very moment she told a bunch of her friends and all that we were full of dung, the ability to recruit, train and put on air anyone female was nullified. But we muddled through summer doing okay, always getting an inquiry from our postings on CraigsList , for everything from on camera to on air talent searches. Few called, one even drove down from Boise, but sadly did not remain. Apparently she did not understand the concept of rat rods or trucks and did not want to cohabitate in a studio or elsewhere with bikers. The limited ability to look beyond the cover and get under the hood, was beyond their capabilities. So then came late August out of sheer desperation and in anticipation of our website finally seeing daylight, I signed up for internet service with Cable-One. Cable-One promises 70 mps . That 70 mps is down only. Sure you can groove on tunes from YouTube, trouble is uploading is at a mere 5 to 6 mps at that’s pushing it. We needed more grunt for the buck. Then came the hidden charges, having to pay up front $400.00 first months bill plus another up front. Really? Sure the radio werx can generate that, but understanding HazzardAyre’s main source of funding is split between what AyreWolf Aviation and The Department of Defense. We are on air on AFRTS, the militaries radio network. During both July and August AyreWolf Aviation was busy battling wildfires in partnership with the forest service. Another government funded operation. Both exhausted the financial resources, of both AyreWolf Aviation. We had hoped to collect money in October but the Government shut down. All the while Cable-One’s bill kept coming. I called at least every other week, but the threat of getting unplugged was there. Fearing that the board of directors for the Knytes the governing body of HazzardAyre Radio, and I just could not cough up what Cable-One was charging, plus we really never did get what we were promised. Of course we had several outfits say they could improve the thing, but even my cell phone provider main company Syringa, Wireless could not supply what we needed in an economical rate. They wanted damn near $800,000.00 that’s a ton of money just to drag the fiber optic line from the source here. When Comcast in Utah can offer the same basic service at $250.00 a month, with almost equal mps rpms means greater bandwidth, meaning a better sound. Added to that talent agencies so no more CraigsList want ads for people who don’t show up. Now there are those that would say, but you run the station as it is now from your house. No gal is going to go there. Understand in Utah, Bountiful to be exact, we not only had gals show up but get on air. This in where I lived in a rent controlled habitat. There were old ladies in their nightgowns, running all over and yet we still were able to bring in recruits. No run ins with the local law. We were on a roll. My only trouble was I got P-whipped in Evanston followed her and ultimately ended up here. As far as toewing. Dig this, I wasn’t even legal to be going toewing in Utah, yet UHP and the Weber/Morgan Sheriffs office was running us from the Echo split to Ogden. Utah gives someone a break, not trash em before you get out the door or even in the starting gate.

When it comes to Comcast, I really loved the way their person Laura the other day took care of our needs, even having to reschedule and will have to again for mid February instead of January, but she was so sweet. I’d kick this relocate further into gear, but both my economics running toews this time of year, and same weather prevents me from getting out of here before the end of January. There’s a ton of things that need to be done first. First and the most important get a new Trustee for club and my money funds. Hey its good to have someone in a spot to make me pull up my boot straps once in awhile. Then there is all the rest of the Government money shuffle from My military and Social Security, to the money the club relies on for HazzardAyre Radio. Then there is utility turn on’s, then finding a place for my trucks, then moving everything, it’s going to be one long and bumpy ride, and that is if the weather co-operates. If I could do here , what I see can be done in Metro Utah, I’d stop everything and stay right here. But the sad fact is they can’t and I’d much rather deal with Comcast with as nice a people as Laura, rather than the pitbull attitude, of Cable-One. Now do I fault Charlie? Yes and no. I only fault him in not looking at the big picture. He took over bean counting and distribution duties, but thought having me in Twin Falls rather than Burley was a good thing. All it did was put me behind the 8 ball. First the move from Burley to Twin here, killed the shop. No rework on LexiBelle or Wolf-Pup. Then no free internet or cable and that stopped me seeing the 5th season of Son’s more over restricted the elevation of HazzardAyre into what it is and even greater. HazzardAyre is set to go both Satellite Radio in 2016 , more over its own cable / Satellite TV channel. Meaning the resources to sustain that are not in Twin Falls, barely there in Burley . However the human and technology resources are in Metro Utah. The final groove once I loose more weight, and do a major overhaul on my academic abilities, puts me in the cockpit, in control as I should be of AyreWolf Aviation, along with my 3rd cousin. There is no good flight schools versed in rotor craft(helicopter) flight in Twin Falls. Upper Limit Aviation is able to get me there. So that’s why the relocate, but just partly. There still is the task, of securing a person to do the local connection here for HazzardAyre Radio from our station over in Buhl. Whether or not that sells or not remains to be completed. Until then those candles have to stay lit, that means a local studio, and at least 3 people to run it. Two on airs, and one engineer. I would have done more of this over the last part of November through December, but ya’ll can’t do hardly anything during the holidays. Plus I gotta run the truck. No time, thus the delay.

Any myle, big day Monday so I’m outta here but thought you should know what’s going on Up Front and Serious. But before I go, is there a better way for one to take a blood sugar reading other than poking your finger?

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Dishonesty, cowardice and duplicity are never impulsive.
--George A. Knight
Luke 2:11-14“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hazzardayre radio billboard BLUE BYE

The story of Phoote and Toew


While not the first time I dealt with this , it was the one that set the thing in stone.

There was this one cloudy rainy day in Utah. I had just pulled into Tony's Towing there before Tony dropped out of the game, but there on the tiny Coffee table was this small newsrag with the title PhooteNotes. the idea stuck. Now I have scoured over the entire Internet and just about anyone I thought might have an old copy of the publication but to no avail. A few years back I got a copy of a new publication that is little more than a truck sales publication with just a bit of information on toewing. Seems as though the publication is more into the sibling of toewing which is repo work, just because I think they are trying to capture some sort of whoppee over the TV shows that feature the task, plus to make sure all know what we see on TV is not what is. That publication is called TR FootNotes. In either case it’s a play on words if nothing else. The word foot and toe being appendages of the human anatomy , and the word tow as in rescuing disabled vehicles.

While I’d love to be the guy who started using all of that to describe on a bit of a funny anagram of what it is we do out here, but sadly I’m not. The fact that I might be more aggressive about it, is a point to ponder, and most of the time it is a thing that makes a lot of ladies I meet think I have an extra bolt unscrewed. My history on the platform of feet, toes and all most of you know. Some say it is the result of two encounters as a kid, one with a gal who watched me over the summer months while Mom & Dad were at their military duties on HAFB, the other going back to a 4th grade teacher that had some real, sweet lower limbs. Being one always out of the ordinary I figured instead of being like most male corpuscles , that feet , toes and legs were the unsung heroes of the female anatomy . As such should be praised. But I left that buried. I really never gave it much thought until I collided with things Hazzard. Now for those that have lived in caves, in 1975 there was a movie called the MoonRunners, of which I have a copy of. That movie came to be the pilot of what many know today as the Dukes-of-Hazzard, which as I heard it, is getting a revival. On January 5th an all day marathon, and then running in the old time slots as CMT ran it years ago. Finally a new reason to get cable except for Sons.

But when we as a crew and a raunchy crew we were, reopened the shop of Pat & Jims Speed Shop as the Hazzard County Garage, since we had a Gen Lee, to use as a prop, the idea for doing TV ads, for the shop and toewing with a Daisy Duke lookalike started. The idea took form, in 1984 when I saw this TV ad for a plumber in Boise, who did a closing gig of kissing the hand of the female customer. Tag read we treat all our customers like royalty. My Idea was have Daisy break down in the jeep, me as Crazy Cooter(so my nickname is ) show up hook up and rescue sweet Daisy and at the end, I kiss her toes with the tag running, we luv toews. Mashing the words toe and tow together. It took about 4 times and 32 takes to figure out smooching on bare toes or feet was really yucky. So as the censors on the Dukes did on Daisy, the application of nylons on those feet worked. Perfume or something sweet like Kool-Aid or something could be applied, which tasted and smelled much better than sweaty feet.

So I became somewhat of a conasooer of all things hosiery and womens toes , I’m sorry , but that’s it. That standard has became the standard always applied here at the shop, the toew service and the club. If a gal is showing legs or toes in a photo spread, nylons will be worn. Nylons hide bunions and corns and hammer toes real good too.

On the smooshing the words toe and tow together. That came from our intern trainer/sex therapist for HazzardAyre Radio. There was a day I was having a go back and forth with a producer, who could not wrap his tung around the word tow, he kept pronouncing the word TOW like COW, rather than TOE>YUMMYor TOW. So Emme Lee, said why not just mash the two words together? And as such the word TOEW for rescue and recovery of disabled vehicles was born.

Now I need to pitch this as well. Many ask what’s with all the wings on all our logos etc. Understand there has always been aviation in our family, my Dad flew in the Marines, as well as had his small farm aviation company. Eagle Starr Flying Service. My choice of professions was a bit more as it is going toewing, but there are some months the toew trucks sit , ALLOT. So one day after things had settled down with the suspension of the Montgomery Foundation, in 2003, and this day, my 3rd cousin Gordon, and I were eating lunch waiting on a guy who had a truck that was the same year as LexiBelle, that I wanted to buy for parts for LexiBelle>Lexi in green so we were on the flightline there at Bountiful SkyPark, in what is now considered Woods Cross, Utah, admiring the aircraft, when Gordon says, why don’t we do that? So we all met with Cousin Bud who was Trustee of the Montgomery Foundation(mom & Dads money) took the last $200k and recovered the old aircraft of Dads, Gordon threw in $500k got a small hangar, and in mid 2005 what you all know as and is AyreWolf Aviation was born. Except for one thing, I could wrench on the aircraft but could not legally fly em. Seems as though Marine pilots certificates and flying in civilian services, does not transition. So that’s 80% of the reason I’m moving to Utah in February. The other 30% is to get what you knew as HazzardAyre Radio, redone and reairing with a helluvalot more horsepower, more on that in a few future entries. But the wings celebrates and is connected to our primary business AyreWolf Aviation.

Well Monday comes early , gotta get up early to go talk to Charlie. See ya’ll on the flip in the PM Monday.

L8R ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters
Luke 2:8-11“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


I must be loosing weight or I got too big of shorts


I don’t know what’s worse being in near udder darkness, or the fact that either I lost weight or someone bought me too big a size in my underwear.

There I am doing a flip over trailer, and my shorts are falling down about halfway to the back of my legs. You keep pulling em up, and the state fuzz and other officials there ARE LOOKING AT YOU. So then, you get into the yard, unhook the damaged trailer, hey got plenty of good salami and bologna. Trailer was damaged, but the load remained purtty much in tact. Now just got to find my mayonnaise and lather up some bread.

Got a notice from Uncle Obama, at least I’m getting a raise. Yep a whopping, $11.00 , bringing me to a full $721.00 a month. Makes one wonder why I keep toewing. Reason is, I have seen what happens when you toss the truck keys on the kitchen counter and have only you and your bulldog and TV to keep you entertained. Sure there is computer and all, but If I had to just naw in a resting pasture, I’d rather die. As long as I’m in that truck doing my going toewing thing, I’m able to wake up each morning, and face each day with some dignity. A friend of mine Tony Pistone, a real pro in this business, pretty much is that way now. He sits and waits for that toew phone to ring. He listens intently on the scanner for a 10-50 or a 10-51 request, but it doesn’t come, it sure gets him depressed. Sure I’m learning all kinds of new skills. I’m from the J hook, sling, mechanical era, old skool toewing. I was spooked at rollbacks at first, didn’t know how far back to slide, before tilting, busted the bed stops several times sliding back up to the cab, and using bridles instead of the ten foot chains and J hooks. Course the guys and gals today couldn’t use a sling if they had to. And there’s still toews that sling comes in handy for. Before A1 and Charlie, I had no idea how to use skates, do now. As far as the quick picks, I’m still working on those. The time it takes sometimes to do that, I could have it slung and gone. But I feel I can work for any toew service in Utah , at least until I get DixieWolf Toewing up to Utah standards.

But that said, I see a slightly albeit a bit colder pasture in Utah, just got to get down there to mow it.

Talk at ya’ll soon.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research.
--Wilson Mizner
Luke 2:8-11“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Another month of misery


After last nights meeting I agree. The timeline for the certain departure from Idaho to Utah has been extended one month from the 15th of January to the 15th of February. Reasons are numerous, but reach into getting equipment moved, finding a place for my trucks here until I can get em down to the Tooele area of Utah, as well as the physical move, hampered by weather and seasonal restrictions.

Which means we’ll have to go through a reschedule with Comcast, I hope Laura there is as understanding. But in compliance with our agreement with Charlie, both on the house here of giving 30 days notice, plus getting a new bean counter in place down there its going to take a month. But by this time February, Idaho is going to be a bad nytemare that I wake up to at 2:00AM.

Looks to me that I was not and the club was not the only ones hammered by the weather over the weekend. Seems as though Mirinda’s Essential Oils gig was short circuited due to weather concerns. I still think that before we split from here she ought to stage the party or whatever it is here,. The Wolf’s Lair is easy to find, plenty of parking next door, plus a McDonalds across the street and Swensens on the other corner.

So in closing, no move until the last week in January, or as they say on the Disney Channel, Ja-new-ary which I been watching more of, since I have a three year old to watch over for a week. Or just up to Christmas.

As I close gotta say this. As I woke up this morning with a bit of jingle in my jeans, thought of a place to go to take little Smedley for breakfast. When I thought, outside of three here, there isn’t no sit down full breakfast place to go that doesn’t scalp you wallet wize in the process. Which reduced the outing to a Maverick, and a breakfast sandwich. If you don’t want the Depot Grill, which myself and the Knytes are boycotting, if you cross off Sherry’s over by Target, as too high priced and bad service, and no way on IHOP, due to really bad cooking and too high a price, your only left with Subway, that doesn’t open until 10:00AM by then we’re in church, or as said Maverick, or McDonalds. McDonalds here in Twin Falls Idaho is a far cry from what it was when they first opened. The Kyle family should have stuck to the three locations they had, the one on north Blue Lakes, the one next to where Dr. Telford(our kin) used to live, and the one in Burley. These out lying McDonalds are poorly staffed and the menu at McDonalds especially breakfast really has a lot to be desired considering price. Having options is great. Which metro Utah has, that here never will.

Keep it tween the ditches,

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Luke 2:8-11“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Nigerian’s are at it again and in droves


The Nigerian’s are back at it again and in droves. Seems now that , that Nelson Mandela kicked the bucket the damn cotton pickin scallywag carpetbagging swashbuckler he was had albeit not much of one, but had them black bastardly cyber bandits under some control. The world is under attack, not by some extra terrestrial being or visitor, and why anyone with the smarts to fly here across a galaxy would come to Earth I don’t know, we ain’t got too many bright people here. But naw, we are getting plagued by cyber crooks, ready to snag even the remotest bit of your personal information, so they can commit crimes on your dime and using your name. Especially if you are even the minutest of celebrity they’re out there.

You think a site is a safe one, especially if its advertised on Facebook, Google or some such. You click and all your firewalls, and anti everything bells start going off. At this point you know you bagged a virus.

People especially this time of year are getting new computers. From notebooks, tablets you name it. As fast as you turn that thing on and hit the cyber highway, your already in the cross hairs of some cyber hacker, jacker. And you don’t even need to be a public person. Just a good ole guy trying to get by, but especially if your some gear grinder with loads or toews that a cyber terrorist can use to create a real serious happening. They get your pick up point, your route, your delivery point and everything except or maybe including the size and color of your underwear. Aviation is one target but harder to jack, trucking and or toewing are easier, ground level, and usually pretty much running the big fuckin interstate out in BFE . They are looking to snag and grab what you have that can make other things go boom.

Back in 2005 the Department of Homeland Security was setting up a network of suspicious eye balls, kind of a Neighborhood watch for the highways. Of course I and many of us in the Knytes signed up, but I never heard shit since. One of the tragedies of the Bush/Obama Administration, and if you think those two as well as both political parties are not in bed with each other, I’ll buy you a root beer. There’s only one independent political party out here its called the Confederate National Party, born out of the Confederate States of America. While the CNP, is accepted in both Idaho and Utah, as parties a candidate can run on and get elected, few voters choose to vote CNP. But I’ll get into more on that Sunday.

As you fyre up your new computer Thursday morning after Christmas, make sure you have every kind of anti phishing,anti spam, and virus protection program preinstalled. If not get that, and from a computer supply store not the Internet. Reason I say that is. If you download a program of any type, you have no idea of what got into the cyber pipeline along with the download. Best just buy the full version, and don’t be to quick to update or uprate online either. If you do, find some source that is super secure and asks for credentials before you can update/uprate. That way YOU know that whoever it is on the other end knows its you and you know its secure.

The pipelines will be clogged most of this week, mostly because of new people getting online, as well as people are at home online during the cold winter months. Like me unless I gotta go toew or go see Charlie, my butt is at home.

Until we truck this way again, keep it wheels down. And remember the Nigerian’s are at it again, in droves.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Luke 2:6-7“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”

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UpDate on the CraigsList Fraudster


Hazzard County folk may be down home backwoods people, but we ain’t stupid. We look into things,(at least most of the time) before we jump in. As such I looked up that Lora James on the internet. Seems she’s like most of those that blows a lot of smoke with mirrors and lights but they ain’t no way serious about a romantic get together nor any kind of real Love Connection. Guess I hit it right where it’s at.

Good News, looks like the noise from Hazzard has been heard. The Dukes will be on every day at noon and 6pm our time on CMT. I knew the letter writing and all we as fans, Knytes, and all would get those network execs smart on the horn, and watch and see if there ain’t a few local ads generated for the local injections there as well from us here at DixieWolf Toewing, Hazzard County Choppers, and of course the Knytes.

Having a bad sugar night. Sugar levels are all over the place, will do my home fixin there and let ya’ll know what’s up.

Still snowing here, where it ain’t snowing water on road creating slick areas. I would say slick in spots, but I wont. Reason? Few years ago, on my national show, that in doing our nationwide road watches, that it was slick in spots. Trouble was a little old lady called in, and asked where in Spots it was slick? Seems as though there is a place called Spots New Mexico. From that unless you’re a mindless yankee, ya’ll can figure the rest out about that.

Until L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Luke 2:6-7“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.