Thursday, January 9, 2014

Radio will not decline, but limited focused folks would let you think that

dxewolvez at dawnConfederate Highways Header

If you happen to be or not a radio media person or at least one who follows the goings on of the inner workings of our fine art, you no doubt have heard that many in our industry are saying radio is while not dying , at least looking like we are on our way there. I say that there are too many narrow minded industry people who can’t see the forest for the trees. If your talking radio to say tweens or those from 16 to 30 or so as a demo, you might have a case. Likewise ditto, if we are speaking of urban listeners in that demo. However rural folks as well as us that sit between doors pulling loads up the roads, radio is far from dead, in fact I think we’ll be seeing a rapid return to OTA radio rather than just satellite radio. But the common denominator here is its still radio. Heard but not seen. Sure TV has its plus’s but here’s where radio kicks serious butt>BLUE BUTTTv needs to be wired to either cable or a satellite dish. Sorry them FCC revenuers done took away the ability to watch all but a very select few analog stations. Your locals are no longer there, the few that are ain’t worth a Boss Hogg dollar. But ya’ll want to know wuzz up, or dig on your fave tunes, or just groove, still for a very few bucks one can go to Radio Shack, buy a inexpensive radio, and without regard to anything else, be snuggling up to the rest of the world. Sure ya’ll have to use your imaginations to visualize the music artist or announcer, But ya’ll still have something without paying for more.

Us in both trucking and toewing are out in a rig, doing the white knuckle shuffle, everyday. 70% are tuned into OTA radio, not satellite, but over the air radio. Satellite is great if your on mostly flat land super slabs, but ya’ll get up in mountain passes, block that big disc in space , forget radio. At a time ya’ll just might need it to keep up with road and weather conditions. This has been the soul of what we do here on the HazzardAyre Radio Network, with our original show Dixie Diesel. Dixie Diesel signed on air in 1977 and has been riding in that radio inside that truck cab ever since. Sure the legends , from Ralph Emery, to the Bozo, and Bill Mack , Dave Nemo, and myself in between. People who don’t just do radio but who also truck. As well as toew. In 1985 Dixie Diesel Radio took on a side Saddle, called Highway Hooker Radio. Hooker being cb talk for tow truck. We became and still are the only show on radio for those that toew. Period. Nobody else is there. Keeping all of trying to make a buck in a tow truck, informed, entertained , about our industry, our industry friends and the rest of the union.

If these jokers in business suits, think that radio is gone, or kaput, or heading there, have em get in a rig, get stuck out in the middle of BFE, in a snow drift, then tell you radio is not important, or on a decline.

That’s why we are here and why we do what we do, and we are HazzardAyre.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
Matthew 6:19-21“[Treasures in Heaven] “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

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