And then came the snow. Started just after 23:00 Hours, and just now seeing some sort of dry pavement, 8 runs for Dixie, more on Charlie’s crew, finally Scott my partner says go home your beat, so did, am, took a hot shower, having a chew, updating the gig here, and plan on taking a long nap to be able to handle the overnight patrol.
Decided to hold off for a month or so on the relocate. Not that I don’t want to go, but there’s only so many marbles in the can, and to get moved to Utah, before February is ludicrous , so will set things up for February.
Was supposed to go to some gig on some healing oils or something that our Mirinda is doing in Filer, but as beat as I am, I’d fall asleep before it was over and I need to ROS just in case of toew traffic, so I’m home. Don’t know why she don’t throw a meeting here at the Lair. As I look at it, before I was here, there must be something very sinister that happened here where the current Lair is located. No body wants to come here for anything except Knytes members. Be interested in looking into that, will do and report on that Monday or so.
Saw on Yahoo, about this gal, that’s being called the real Barbie>
question is, why does somebody do that. It’d be as bad as me trying to look like Waylon. Sure it might be possible, but why? Is it not enough to be just who you are? In my years gone by, I thought I had to be the ever lasting, super jock Major Matt Mason too. But guess what? I’m am only me the AyreWolf, not a remake or a copy, just me the wolf who flys from Idaho that also toews. No more, no less. I am just me. I only get once in awhile that thank you from others who know that handshake and thanks for my service bit. The rest hardly ever do, and most people have no idea. I’d shit bricks if just once, I’d walk in a room or place, and someone stood up and shouted , Attention, officer on deck. Or at least get a salute, for these two eagles that rest on my collar. Just once besides the Knytes or Wolvez.
Or a little courtesy extended, because of that service. I suppose I’m not the first nor the last, of our nations military that expects a pat on the back or a real thank you, but a bit of compassion and understanding and extending a favor or two, and understand the DOD check only comes once a month and despite all that you hear , or read its not as much as it should be. We don’t do what we do, for the money, that same philosophy we carry into both the Knytes and Wolvez, but an occasional show of reverence for what we do would be appreciated.
Okay then as I close gotta pass this on. I am running an ad on CraigsList for the attempt to find a personal SheWolf. So I got this response, course I get a bunch of smut responses, and ones you know are made up just to infect my computer with some ill-gotten virus, but this one named Lora, sends me this inquiry and a long thing of who she’s looking for and all. First she’s 20 years old or something right near there. Why would she even bother with a 54 year old Confederate Marine? I can tell you why, most do. Many gals see retired or as we say it reassigned Marine since a real Confederate Marine never retires. But they see service person. Thought is, steady income, and their real love is MONEY and a military sugar Daddy. Why else would a near model if even she looks like that want to do anything with an old rebel? Why else would a hardly dry behind the ears gal want to move to Frozen Idaho or Utah, as the case will be in February, from sunny warm beachy California?
I sent her a few pieces of correspondence via email, but I’ll bet she’s going elsewhere.
Any mile hitting the rack see you on the Highway.
Quote of the Day:
If you haven't got charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.
--Bob Hope
Luke 2:6-7“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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