So I finally got to sleep this past afternoon, in amongst phone calls from Joni. Seems she is expecting me to go over wimper at Charlie, and fetch her a used battery for her van. Really? What’s my motivation? She was barking earlier she had no money, no food. Maybe she and her crew should have stuck with ye old Wolf on the radio gig. By now she’d have plenty. Oh well. But I’m now being asked to do more. This might be a bit different, if there had been any or even now some he & she time. Or hadn’t been called the worse names on the face of the planet. I might even be inspired to let her use the Subaru once in awhile if she had been cool with me, but now the brood wants me to be ah so nice. She’s low on food, I’d be happy to help, but I ain’t going all the way over to the Dunes, and drag her over by the ear and say lets eat. No way, you want me, accept me as I am.
Many really will be messed up mid February when the old wolf is in Utah, and just commuting between here and there. Or there and here. The only part of the Knytes in Idaho after March or so will be the Reaper , and even then that’ll be with someone here running it. Something Joni could be getting ready to do if she’d only stuck with me along with the rest of her crew. But hey I ain’t begging.
I’m in the mind that I do not care any more. After March, I’ll not be here, it either makes it or it don’t. As far as me, being all accommodating and all is over. Do something more than two beers and a burger . The gift by a woman to a man that only a woman can give is now required, for anything beyond business operations. The Hazzard County Food and Welfare office is done closed.
I watched the TV, three networks , on there. A&E , Lifetime, and the History channel running the ballads and events of Bonnie & Clyde. First of all why wasn’t it, Clyde and Bonnie? I know sounds better to put the gals name in front. Shooting, death all the rest. How about a Hazzard County Christmas. I really loved that episode, after the stolen trees and all Uncle Jessie opened his home to Roscoe, Cletus and even old Boss Hogg. At the end of the episode you heard sleigh bells jingling overhead and Waylon said, “ Hey don’t laugh, if it could happen anywhere, it would happen, in Hazzard County.” But why not something wholesome like that? No its in many homes, “Hey kids, come watch TV there’s a movie about more people killing other people” And the authorities ask, where do our kids get the ideas that you can shoot up a place and get what you want.
Yea, great Holiday movies and TV, Really?
More in the AM, my body is wanting more sleep.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Deuteronomy 18:15“The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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