The question I have is simply why? Here’s an example. The nice lady at Comcast, although apologetic , had to reschedule our install. Apparently a miscommunication she thought I meant middle of December, rather than mid January, since there’s a ton of things to be done in the relocation operation, plus the physical move. But no problem, and kind as could be. This is going above and beyond duty. Something I look for in everyone and everything I deal with from equipment vendors and suppliers to program providers for the network.
In our line of operation, beit on the road going toewing or doing a rescue search and evac by air , both AyreWolf Aviation and DixieWolf Toewing, our customers are not in the waiting or we can’t do it train of thought. Our customers demand we are there 24/7/365 and not be quibbling about minor things or even that of some minor ones. But here’s the difference between a company that is in business and plans on staying that way and ones whose people really do not care.
On one side we have Comcast and our sales rep there Laura, who considered my needs what we were after and was willing to get things going in a good direction. Unlike Cable-One who sends out tons of flyer ads wanting new customers, who have no idea what your trying to get and only interested in selling the high priced products, without really looking into what is needed. Then there was the three months service charge. Instead of billing us the agreed on bill for $212.00 , that first bill came in at $424.00 huh? Now understand usually we make good money, but at the time there was the fires near Sun Valley we were working by air, the Government shutdown and Cable-One’s fight with Turner Broadcasting. The $212.00 I could have done, but not near $500.00 we just did not have it. Now I don’t know if anyone has ever said no I’m only paying what’s agreed on the contract, and if they get shut off , sue Cable-One for it. Nor was there ever a phone call. Asking us why or a way to work it out. But I will give them credit for keeping the TV on for the duration of Sons , but thing is, I had the $700.00 ready to go once, but not more than an hour after I called telling them its in the snail mail, they cut my Internet, meaning I had to convert back to very slow SpeedConnect, which meant no HazzardAyre Radio, which meant a loss of a little under $11,000.00 to us. Even then Cable-One never reached out and asked or offered to barter internet/tv for ad time on our station. And then the say they want to be partners in business with everyone? Really? Can’t prove it by me.
So I saw on MHI’s site that they were barking again, goodness gracious, are you that cabin fever afflicted that you got to stir crap up? Ball headed Eagle crap, the garbage went along the lines that all too many people were trying to help me and I slapped them down, really? When has anyone outside of Charlie, and Erin helped me do anything? Looking back on Glenn’s Ferry, when that gal was boo whooing outside the duplex I rented there about her not having money for school supplies, I should have just sat on my chair and just said boo whoo. Or booga, booga wah. Just stop making noise with that damn pogo stick. I need my sleep. No I tried to show a kindness and what did I get? kicked in the groin. I’m tired of it. Just like the day one belched about me trying to paw some cold stuff, out of a stop and go there. I was in the middle of a move, working two other projects, I just had a brain fart. No, only because it WAS ME, was it made to be more than what it was. Shit on the phone, which you can’t hardly get in there, plus the noise, and hell I thought shit I forgot to pay for this and was on my way back in to do so, is when that old lady barked. That was one of those days I should have just gone to Wal-Mart, bought it there. Then of course there was a bunch of things like small town politics to just plain ignorance so at the end I got out and really never looked back at leaving.
Yea some help.
Sure I’ll admit to me having PTSD and all, but its under control, although that control is subject to interpretation. No local head shrink monitoring the medicine, the fact I’m leaving and no blood tests etc to prevent my liver from being pickled any more than it is, and the fact that some say no body owes me anything? Are they smoking a bit more of that crack than usual? Again why?
So lets just say, this, Idaho itself is a great state to live in if you want things slow and 200 years ago progress. Idaho has great landscapes, a river for great fishing and boating, the sunrises and sunsets are grand. But the trouble with Idaho, is it is infected with carbon based organism life forms, that are arrogant, ignorant, and too much Yankee.
Oh and to say this too. I’ll grant to many who say that LexiBelle’s better years are behind her. That truck however has been with me since October 1974, I finally owned her in 1978, and every place I have lived, everything I have done, and do. Every one of my weddings, and divorces hell my son was born in that truck, and people just want me to mash it up. It’s the last thing of my Mom & Dad, the farm, our families heritage. To outsiders, she may be a POS, to me, she is my life and the only girl that’s stuck by me through it all.
Any mile, need to grab lunch then do my errands , see ya’ll on the nyte patrol.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky
Matthew 1:20-21“But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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