In the days of old, there were women that kept us glued to the movies, and even to TV. The looks had little to do with trashy, more to the seductive mysterious realm. Myrna Lloyd, and others with their ruby red lips, the seamed stockings, the not too tight but form fitting flattering styles. The long cigarette stem, the long finger nails. These were the days. One could see them kissing the male Navy or Marine off on the docks, as these brave men went to war.
In years that followed military aircraft took on pictorials or air brushed images of these stars as well as character's in hopes to lift morale and ease home sickness
while the military brass including DOD and state Department didn’t officially endorse it, they never stopped it.
In this light, the AyreWolvez and the DixieWolvez are looking to rediscover this ancient art form, and get some real sweet hearts on our warbirds and choppers. We will be posting ads on CraigsList, for this, so look for it. This is not, I repeat a method to get a touchy feely gig, for a club member, but rather a classy display on a rolling and flying piece of art.
There’s a site, up on facebook called Pinup girls, that is ran by a clothing dealer, that has these scenes, my thought is put em with an aircraft, more over lets see if we can get a few for view.
Okay then in closing so I can catch some sleep. Okay yes I sleep a lot. And yes it has to do with too old, too cold, and diabetes. The fact that I was out no less than 13 times last night pulling people out of the comedian strip up on 84, because they wouldn’t slow down, spun out. See why I need studio help? So yes warm bed, long sleep , is what I seek. But yesterday as I was hitting the rack , I got another call from the manager from our neighborhood McDonalds. Seems as though the wolf’s howl was heard. Thing is I can remember my first none automotive job at the then only McDonalds there was in the valley. Mr. Kyle, first demanded that you had at least a 4.0 gpa just to work there. Next a cheery attitude was required, Mr. Kyle hated grumpy. Today that’s not the thing, today, most who work there, is I get low wages, I don’t care. And trainees aren’t mentored long enough. My main focus of complaining was simple, I found three blonde hairs in my Quarter pounder. Yes someone didn’t wear their hair net, the hairs got mixed in somewhere, and yuck. Glad you can’t catch AIDS that way, but its not a great situation none the less. So the manager wanted to chat with me. Bottom line I ignored her, sure I’d like to go over and bark a bit, about the hairs, but why? What good would it do? All it would do is get someone fired. If that.
Any mile ya’ll fly well today if you can. Otherwise stay home relax and be ready the two hour season finale of Sons is on tonight.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the Day:
If you destroy a free market, you create a black market.
--Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Deuteronomy 18:15“The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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