I will not be like late night TV or those early morning news shows that make ya’ll wait for the hot stuff. So I’ll get right to it, and I have a compliment to KMVT here as well.
First, on my computer, I want the hot babe button. That’s right the key you poke when you see some hot honey on an ad or banner. You hover over her and poke the key or click, and instantly find out just who the heck she is, her talent booking agent and availability. Moving on, I want a puke or poop button. I have numerous times been working on my computer and had to up chuck due to bile secretion, something I can’t help, its due to lack of Gall bladder, the meds I’m taking for it don’t work too well any more. So I need to expel the junk in my throat, or sometimes I’m trucking the cyber highway, only to notice I need to go potty. That’s right go poop, maybe number 1, but usually poop. I want a button, that understands that both bodily functions are immediately required and will hold the page I was reading or writing at the time. Of course we could go further. We could have the gotta go get java(coffee) button or key, the am going to have sex right now(something I’d hardly ever use, but maybe someday.) And the gotta smack the kid for yapping too much. Never smack the dog or a canine, they have no idea why your hitting them. Smack the kid for teasing the canine so it barks. I want these keys.
I got a banner from some outfit promoting computer code writing , something I’d really like to learn, so was messing with it. Kinda fun. Of course for us Skoal Brothers, I want a key for when ya gotta spit, while chewing, doing computer science. I want these keys. It’s a pain in my rumpus to be going along, need to do a biological something, only to have the page I was reading go off, or the temp pause button to unpause and redirect to another site or just disconnect. Of course there’s the gotta answer the frigging phone. Cell phones have buttons to take a call when your using a smart phone, something I will not buy. I’m sorry, phone is for phone, computer is for cyber trucking, I don’t want something really that does both, but I have the exception of it taking pics so I can use them for business or for cops etc to examine accident scenes. Past that my phone is my phone , my computer is for cyber toewing, none to which needs to be combined. But more over I want to see that button that tells me who the hotties are on the ads, and banners.
Now for KMVT. Don’t know how things are over there, but the trio of beauties this morning on Rise & Shine was the best newscast I have seen out of there since Ken Richie was there. Finally some eye candy with a brain. The only other hottie and she stands alone that I have ever seen there was Michelle Darcy. She was by far the best that station ever had. If any of those gals there this morning ever needs a job that pays better than 11, HazzardAyre TV is hiring.
Maybe if they can the rest over there and set that up, I’d stop complaining.
So congrats KMVT, your recruiting is getting better.
Wonder though, how many of those were really born and raised here in the valley as I was?
Went to the new shrink Friday, think we have something on the HUD there. We see. Our Nurse GoodBody needs to go apply there, as I mentioned her to them and they said they’d hire her.
Okay then.
The gig in Utah is still on. But I had some ripe reminders of why an instant departure is not possible. LexiBelle is frozen , although some serious heat applied, and fuel injected would get her running there are things that should have done last few months while I was messing with all these skirts, that did nothing but cause me jock itch. Of course Wolf-Pup is good around town, but out on open road might present a problem, so serious attention to both is required. All these people that say they’ll help but don’t do squat. Oh sure club members would but they’re deployed at 80% of local membership, the rest are on the road, trucking the rest are on assignments and time off means home with their families. All total means I gotta do this myself. Of course there’s the need for the station, then find me a place to live, then hangar, then shop for getting HCC/DixieWolf going Toewing. Meaning a 20 month long ordeal. Of course the need to finish The Reaper Club up, and the sale of the two radio signals of ours over by Jerome, sell the tower site, and tower, That means more time ROS. So my time is short, slim, and busy, but at least for the short haul with this cold weather and my flu, I’m in the Lair catching up on tech duties.
So congrats to KMVT for the luscious trio this morning, it was good to see, and those buttons, lets get ones that make sense. Developers anyone?
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw
John 15:5,8““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
I thought I’d throw this up to see if you could remember who they are and the trucker TV series they played in.>
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