Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wolf-Pack going into hibernation.


Well its came down to this, but its for the best at least right now.

As this month is the last of a nytemare of a year, I made the decision and most of the Wolf-Pack agrees that until we get all moved and all, most of the blogs, and efforts on the club at least in southern Idaho have been put on hiatus. 80% of my focus is going to be directed towards the new company, and getting relocated in western Utah. Once we get there, get the website up, and all the engineering etc for WyldAyre/HazzardAyre Radio then I’ll be rolling out new information.

For the last 5 years I have spent my own money , went without sleep and risked way too much to keep hitting a wall of technological limitations. Example, got the numbers crunched from Syringa, damn near $100,000.00 to run fiber optic here to the Wolf’s Lair. Are they kidding, considering where and what I’ve been through over 2013, it’d take a real God sent miracle to get me to even approach the club for a request like that. Hell the Reaper Club, doesn’t cost that much to outright buy.

My opinion goes that Syringa really didn’t want to get into it, so decided to throw a number out there, so we’d back away. Especially when Comcast can get me the same bandwidth and all for $200.00 a month. Any questions?

Someday in 20 more years Idaho will infact come to a place in its evolvement to enable us to relook at southern Idaho, for the club, and for me not so much.

While 6 months might seem like a long time, that is with me paying off the car from Charlie. Its really not that long, considering that I’ll be mostly in Utah getting things going.

So if your going to XMSirus to find HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio, it’ll be repeats, more over near none existent. As an all new HazzardAyre/WyldAyre experience is on the horizon in 2014.

See ya’ll around the galaxy.

L8R Wolvez,


Quote of the Day:
If misery loves company, misery has company enough.
--Henry David Thoreau
Hebrews 1:1-2“[God’s Final Word: His Son] In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.”

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