I get this question all the time, more here lately, over the Reaper.
First understand what the Reaper Club is.
The Reaper Club was inspired by the TV show Sons of Anarchy. The bar/club house next to the shop on that series.
Without going into a long history lesson, Son’s brought the Hazzard Knytes out of a point of near obscurity. We as a club were on the verge of collapse. We were getting hammered by the Filthy Fifty of MHI, to economic troubles, to a plethora of things that a new direction was needed. Even then a bar/eating place was on the boards. Based on the idea of a aviators bar the old Trophy Club in Glenn’s Ferry was the chosen location. Of course a over zealous and crooked city council member along with a few others who again could not look past their noses to see their faces, killed the plan. It was in October 2008, that the men of valor and mayhem of western Idaho and northern Utah had a meeting at Shorty’s Bar in Boise. For those who don’t know the old Shorty’s, Shorty’s Saloon, is a mini Mickey Gilley’s just across from the Fairgrounds in Garden City/Boise. Three bars, nothing fancy, just good service with the hottest gals serving with a bright and happy attitude. Servers who could tease and kid all night and yet get you a ride when you had too much. Thought then as it is now, we can do this. I can remember just two years prior the Hazzard Knytes had the chance to buy the place for $300K but we gave up the idea for reasons I can’t fathom, but hey then I had no authority, I was just a foot soldier for the organization.
So in 2008 we all got together, felt that we needed a new direction, but not wanting to kill our historical Hazzard roots. Fate is a weird lady who will creep in at the most off times. Here we were meeting again in Glenn’s Ferry, snowed in, and cloud cover so thick that the only channel on DirecTV was Sons.
Not wanting to be merely an MC, we took on the roots of our organization as a trucker/trucking historical preservation group, combined and created the next chapter of the organization, the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Taking Hazzard County and us out of so much rural and escalating the organization into a more Urban/Rural organization.
The fact that a bar has always been on the boards is one thing that we have always aspired to , but never quite gotten to. Most of it comes from the fact that outside of eating and slurping down brew, none of us really have bar running experience but we have two that are, but the rest of us are consumers of product rather than serving the product. Reason for a bar came out of an old celebration surrounding a race tracks free woman entry event each year. A men's fragrance company always sponsored a contest at Shorty’s, to select gals to be on stage, voted on from and by bar patrons. Going further two others in Idaho, made us say , hey we can do this. In 1992 I discovered the place we are dealing on for the Reaper. But I’ll get back to that in a second.
The TV show Sons said here’s the kind of place we need. A place I saw in 1992, that has had a bad reputation, came on the market, valued at near $800k was a bunch for an unproven concept considering our experience levels combined. Over the years I have kept watch, and inquired. Seems as now its within reach and looks like 2014 will be the year we hit the gig, and bring the Reaper as its called from TV into real life. But who to hire for the project. Finding women who can compliment and be at peace with rowdy bikers , truckers and aviators is a reach. Its either sports bar types like over at Anchors, or such like Hooter’s, or dives. But finding gals who are knowledgeable about things southern culture including Dukes-of-Hazzard, to military aviation, that have been on a bike either as bitch or just riding solo, is a daunting task. But the hiring is even deeper.
Last year during the last week after ThanksGiving, the idea to bring our online radio station to fruition to being not only a Internet but a terrestrial or over the air station seemed in reach, but think I could get even one gal in the Lair to do even one audition show? The attitude by many was don’t go in there , Red Ridinghood might get violated by these big bad wolvez. Okay I’ll agree , that smooching toes in nylons was a bit over the top but that was for a comedy bit. Auditioning for gals who were willing to doing things that would air on Howard Stern’ show was out there , considering that the studio for many reasons is still in my bedroom here at the Lair, and the answer to the question why we call the club house the Wolvez Lair is that on the old TV show Airwolf, the place>where the lady>
slept when ot in flight was called the Wolf’s Lair or just the Lair for short, thus the club house for our organization is called the Lair. But I’m getting off course here.
So we went through a bunch of meth headed, crack women and ones that had no real idea of what we were doing, and to date, have yet to find enough hot gals to go on radio as co hosts like Robin Quivers does for Stern. Reason why the radio show needs hot on air co-anchors is that when HazzardAyre launches online, there will be cameras on , and we want to have plenty of eye candy to nor only catch looks but retain audiences. I wont go into the examples of this as it would take another ten pages of blog entries, but suffice to say, the concept works. Thought goes if the gals who do bar work, can double as on air people all the better,. That way the gals they see on air, and on ads for the bar, club and all is also the same gals they have serving them beer and booze at the bar. The leggy thing goes back to Daisy and all things Dukes. Including nylons as that was a staple of her attire on the show.
Over the last year , we have posted tons of ads online, both CraigsList and elsewhere for new hires for the different tasks. From a housekeeper to maintain the Lair, to the bar. The idea of any gal outside of maybe three and even then nothing came of it, for a gal to walk in the Lair, and without prompting and all, that would work the gig of removing a boot or shoe, in nylons stick foot up to my face, is a act of trust on her part to us. Mainly if she can do that we know she has the mental stability and maturity to step into any task we ask within reason and do it without a book being written on why.
Over the last year even with the want ads, I as well as the club have gotten very picky and choosey of who I’ll put to work more over manage the Reaper Club. As you have read, in May this old Wolf is off to Utah, I want to have the whoever hired, trained and that I can fully trust, to manage and run the Reaper without my supervision and without major shrinkage.(theft). Now I’m not saying that an applicant is expected to walk in the Lair, and get down and kinky to the point of doing the wyld thang, but a hosed foot, or something would be a sign of trust. Not required, but that kind of thing is a measure of well trust. If she’ll do that, I know she’ll be worth managing the clubs bar.
To close this, yes we are hiring, from on air radio to bar manager to servers, but we are not hiring all who apply, we want the wyld gals, who knows the gig and is not centered on the fear factor and can do and be what the bar and club is all about.
More in the AM , time for bed.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I ought to know. I've done it a thousand times.
--Mark Twain
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