Thursday, December 19, 2013

Highway Hooker the movie?


So here I was watching another episode or sequel of the Disney Fairies series, hey shoot me, but I like the cute little mystical sweethearts, especially the one they call Silver Mist. Of course I also like Fawn. And you thought I would gravitate to  Tinkerbelle because she’s the hot blonde of the series. Here’s one of those things that many can’t figure out. It’s a Onyx, guys and many say blondes are mostly not too bright in the noggin, yet, if presented with the opportunity to be with, go with or date a hot buxom blonde most guys will jump out of their Lazy Boy recliners and put down the remote to do so. My opinion? I have met more intelligent blondes in my day than I have other hair colors. But I’m getting off course here.

So I get a call from one of our members in Colorado, of the Rode Knytes Charter. He says there is a notice put up on the clubs blotter about an email, from a Hollywood producer guy, that wants to take the idea of Highway Hooker, and make it into a feature film. My first reaction is even as I read the notice is as the same as yours. Bullshit. I have gotten pitches many times about someone taking that name that I started my company with in 1977 and continues to be the co-parent company of our ground and disable vehicle rescue service operations. Highway Hooker Toewing began really in 1976 as a concept. Simply as a name of me, on air on then Long Haul Trucker Radio, the originator of what became Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio, that is one of the shows on HazzardAyre , but any myle. The name surfaced one mid day when I was walking up the road from our mailbox to the house on our farm in Hazzard, I was thumbing through the latest issue of Overdrive, when Overdrive had the Wrecker of the Month feature. There was a pearl white Peterbilt long nose in there from some outfit in Texas that went by the name the Happy Hooker. Reworked and that became my company right up until I collided with all things Hazzard County and remains as I said before the stealth name of the company. Out of 3 mountain west states that doesn’t have a public awareness or public observance problem with Highway Hooker Toewing is Utah. Both Idaho and Wyoming, had real concerns. Especially CokeVille. I’m sorry, but CokeVille really hurt me, to the point had I been able too, especially when I got confronted by the police there at gun point for no aggressiveness on my part, I would have sued. In fact I should have sued the guy that misrepresented the house I was renting there, the office that we were looking at building the studios for one of our network stations there, and even to the point that I filed, and paid for every license needed, at I get pointed a gun at me? Bullshit. But statute of limitations says no.

But this is not the first time this week that somebody brought up Highway Hooker this past week. Some guy looking to making the brand through a website build promotion thing said Highway Hooker was a catchy name. Well I know that, but its really only good for a blog, radio show, or a magazine. Or maybe even a TV show or movie. Not for use in normal everyday commerce. Truckers know what it means, CB radio fanatics know that Hooker in this context, means tow truck, not prostitute, but try to get that through some limited gray matter flowing craniums, and you may as well wash your truck in 10 degree weather, in both cases it’ll freeze.

Of course I was watching Smokey and the Bandit the other night on a trying hard to rebuild CMT, with these two trying to duplicate FX’s DVD Movie on TV, and these two hosts were trying to rattle off old CB radio terminology. Even today, many young bloods can’t rattle that off much better. It’s a different era today. CB radios , 69 cent diesel, even some toew trucks like LexiBelle are all old skool. There are some old timers like me that swear by these old methods. I’d much rather work a wreck or toew with LexiBelle, that some of these new fangled rigs. LexiBelle does not have to have her ass sitting right over the disabled vehicle. Split the boom, anchor one side, and retrieve the wreck from the side. Bada bing Bada Boom, done. The old sling that many of todays younger toew jockeys can’t even use, can handle things more securely than these wheel-lifts. Oh true the new rides buckle, under a sling, but dollies, snag from the ass, down the road. Carriers? Sure they are great, but they are more transport rather than tow. If you don’t have at least 2 tires on your wreck your really fuggled up you have to use skates to get that wreck on your carrier. LexiBelle? Again, dollies, hook from the other direction, tag lights , I’m outta there. The list goes on, but I’ll add, LexiBelle’s equipment will work in sub zero, hydraulic pumped units, will gum up and freeze, making them virtually unusable. Plus I don’t have some damn French name on my rig like JerrDan , mine still has an American inventors name on it, Holmes.

But again, getting back on topic, why all this new attention on Highway Hooker? More over, and there’s many a violation of copyright, on the name, and yes I could sue, but hey why? You might get a little money , but you spend much more money in legal fees. If there’s any substance to this on making Highway Hooker into a movie I’ll let you know.

So then I was looking up some information on why you can remember certain dreams when your awake, and why sometimes you completely forget anything you dreamed of. Know what? Very little information. A couple of sites deal with it, but I think dream research is one of those grey areas that few get into, especially those in neuro science. I remember some Star Trek Next Generation and even some eps of the OS, dealing with the subject, but you’ll play hell finding any head shrink that specializes in dream research or analysis. Course in super conservative Idaho and even Utah, you’ll rarely find what can be really called a Sex therapist. Sure I’m lucky to have Sue Rogers to consult on topics regarding human sexuality. It’s like my little quirk. For me to even be attracted to, or to get stimulated in a gal at any time, but especially at bed time, nylons have to be worn, and my favorite flavor are the toes and legs. Not all guys get into that. Most are into the oral as well as into breasts, or the butt. Breast , not messy, oral, as a after thought. The butt? Only in some very rare(no pun intended) occasions, will you find any gal, especially these small petite gals, of today that will really let you play back there. Much fewer will allow you to penetrate that anal canal. Oh and yes messy, that said. I caught this as a tween, mom & dad searched all over to find a head shrink that would focus on this quirk of mine. To me it was just my thing. Enhanced by Dukes standards with Daisy(always in nylons) then the fact albeit spelled and meaning something different, But that I’d be in a industry that had a word like Toe(tow) in the name. I also thought it funny once that, of all the places in Evanston when we had a branch of the HazzardAyre Network there, that a radio show focused on toewing would be in a office complex owned by and we were next door to, a foot doctor. Any myle mom & Dad searched all over to find a treatment for my affliction. However it wasn’t until just a few years ago, that Sue, and I chatted and she told me there was nothing wrong with that. The fact that at some time in my youth that I had been aroused by some gal wearing or brushing against me or such in nylons was the initiator of such a fetish and that as long as it didn’t hurt anyone why not, that it was healthy.

Any way , along these lines, what about dream research? I think there is much to learn there.

Any Myle, I need to turn in , big day today.

L8R Wolf-Pack.


Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Luke 2:1, 4-5“[The Birth of Jesus] In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.”

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