Friday, December 13, 2013

A crappy day

new hazzardayre coverWOLFS HOWL HEDDER

Today was one of those days that I wished I could have stayed in bed. The first bark I heard was the gal working on the deal, with where we had planned on putting the Reaper. Seems as if the owner of the property has decided that they want to keep it, so the withdrew their sales commitment. Thing is we’ll get our money back, and just find another place to put it, most likely in Utah, somewhere. Utah is shinning a brighter light every day, and while I’m not even thinking that they’ll be a banner waving , ticker tape parade for us on our return there, I do see resources and the ability to at least rebuild what I gave up from when I idiotically pulled out of there in late 2006 early 2007. It was not what the heart wanted, more like what the crotch craved and as such I lost. Trouble is I took down the club, in the process. But we ain’t licked yet.

I’d be much more energetic about being in this area of Idaho if a few pieces were still in place, if I was still living in the house on the hill near West-Point, if the radio project hadn’t been poo-pooed by Charlies wife and if there was a shop reasonably priced here that I could work out of. Trouble is those elements are no longer available. Added to that only 3 other members besides those that are associated, not patched members still live here. This is a disaster looking for a happening. The fact I have seen the departure in my dreams for nearly 8 months, if there ever is anything reopened in Idaho with the club’s name on it or mine, it’ll most likely be in American Falls or at least Eastern Idaho, nearer to where my kin folk live.

Then I go into A1’s office and was chowing down, on these con tacos or something Mexican, anyway. Jared and such were all half friendly and half condescending at the same time. So in short I ate, gathered my self up and got out of there. Now the mission for me is to find a place for the trucks, at least until I can find some place in Utah to reopen something Hazzard there.

Then found out you can no longer use the cash side of your SNAP card for tobacco purchases at both the Twin Stop’s and Maverick stores. Wonder if it’s a state government mandated thing or if its just these two stores. What ever it is, glad I buy with cash most of the time. Makes me glad again that I’m getting out before the bottom drops out.

Been noticing that albeit slow to simmer, that Hazzard Fever is starting again. Don’t know if its our film that’s causing the heat or if there’s something on the horizon, but I think ye ole General is about to ride again.

It was after all a real Friday the 13th today, usually crappy spooky stuff happens. Oh yes our real estate gal, was all apologetic and all , saying she’d keep an eye out for other places , my response is simply why? Nobody we have talked to for help at the perceived bar was even close to that, which would be good for the place, two the radio thing is still on hold, shop, phooey. Sure I’m paying the electrical bill, on the shop of Mac’s that we were trying to rent, that had promise, but they changed the lock and listed it with an agent. So Monday I’m pulling our name from the power bill. Without us paying the heat bill the pipes in that place will freeze. Maybe Mac ought to let us stay in there and all with rekeying it back so my key will work might not be such a bad idea, huh?

The week has been a crapper, Wednesday as predicted, right after SOA, cable got pulled, guess somebody at Cable-One kept us running that long, next it was the junk with Joni coming to the Lair, wanting a ride, then for me to give her a battery, then bein accused of me having the hots for her? Really? If any one is delusional its her. With a lot of covering she ain’t bad, but under the threads you have a wilting flower whose peddles have done fallen off. Hell being friendly and helpful is not a quality wanted in the Tragic Valley. It’s more like grab a bone and growl. There are more churches and near churches in Twin Falls than just about anywhere I have been, and I been from one end of both Utah, Idaho and Nevada . Yet the teachings of Jesus Christ and all things Godly may be taught, but those lessons are forgotten by the time most of those people by the time they get to the IHOP on Sunday’s after services. I heard noise from the River Fellowship, that said you come to church, do this and that we’ll try to see if there’s a place in either their TV or radio stations. Really? Then I made an off handed comment that had been misquoted and the entire attitude changed. Ain’t heard from any of them since I left. So mark Tweaker Flatts(Twin-Falls) as number 8 , of the places I’ll not reside in again.

See ya’ll on the radio Saturday night, until the AM, remember it may have melted a bit out there but it’s really slick out.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Matthew 2:4-6“When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’””

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