Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Nigerian’s are at it again and in droves


The Nigerian’s are back at it again and in droves. Seems now that , that Nelson Mandela kicked the bucket the damn cotton pickin scallywag carpetbagging swashbuckler he was had albeit not much of one, but had them black bastardly cyber bandits under some control. The world is under attack, not by some extra terrestrial being or visitor, and why anyone with the smarts to fly here across a galaxy would come to Earth I don’t know, we ain’t got too many bright people here. But naw, we are getting plagued by cyber crooks, ready to snag even the remotest bit of your personal information, so they can commit crimes on your dime and using your name. Especially if you are even the minutest of celebrity they’re out there.

You think a site is a safe one, especially if its advertised on Facebook, Google or some such. You click and all your firewalls, and anti everything bells start going off. At this point you know you bagged a virus.

People especially this time of year are getting new computers. From notebooks, tablets you name it. As fast as you turn that thing on and hit the cyber highway, your already in the cross hairs of some cyber hacker, jacker. And you don’t even need to be a public person. Just a good ole guy trying to get by, but especially if your some gear grinder with loads or toews that a cyber terrorist can use to create a real serious happening. They get your pick up point, your route, your delivery point and everything except or maybe including the size and color of your underwear. Aviation is one target but harder to jack, trucking and or toewing are easier, ground level, and usually pretty much running the big fuckin interstate out in BFE . They are looking to snag and grab what you have that can make other things go boom.

Back in 2005 the Department of Homeland Security was setting up a network of suspicious eye balls, kind of a Neighborhood watch for the highways. Of course I and many of us in the Knytes signed up, but I never heard shit since. One of the tragedies of the Bush/Obama Administration, and if you think those two as well as both political parties are not in bed with each other, I’ll buy you a root beer. There’s only one independent political party out here its called the Confederate National Party, born out of the Confederate States of America. While the CNP, is accepted in both Idaho and Utah, as parties a candidate can run on and get elected, few voters choose to vote CNP. But I’ll get into more on that Sunday.

As you fyre up your new computer Thursday morning after Christmas, make sure you have every kind of anti phishing,anti spam, and virus protection program preinstalled. If not get that, and from a computer supply store not the Internet. Reason I say that is. If you download a program of any type, you have no idea of what got into the cyber pipeline along with the download. Best just buy the full version, and don’t be to quick to update or uprate online either. If you do, find some source that is super secure and asks for credentials before you can update/uprate. That way YOU know that whoever it is on the other end knows its you and you know its secure.

The pipelines will be clogged most of this week, mostly because of new people getting online, as well as people are at home online during the cold winter months. Like me unless I gotta go toew or go see Charlie, my butt is at home.

Until we truck this way again, keep it wheels down. And remember the Nigerian’s are at it again, in droves.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Luke 2:6-7“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”

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