Friday, December 6, 2013

For the Love of Pete, but then who is Pete?


I can remember as a young Wolf-Pup, my MamaWolf saying things, like For the love of Pete, or, Well Dog my Cat, or such. I always knew those were sayings to cover cussing , but I also wondered at their origin.

For the love of Pete, who the hell is Pete? I’d like to know. Did Pete do something so outrageous to the public somewhere, that he was condemned then, someone decided to show mercy and then say for the love of Pete? Was the saying, about Jesus’s apostle Peter? If so, why use that as a way to demean someone? Of course Dog My cat. How in the universe could you do that its either a dog or a cat, can’t turn one into the other, at least yet in our knowledge of gene experimentation.

My MamaWolf so wise in her ways and way of life. Not college educated by any means, Grace High School until grad, the USN after. Reserve military after that at HAFB UTAH, where Mom and her team, designed the landing gear for the premier of the grand C-5-A Galaxy. Yes that sideways landing system was designed in part by my mom. Purtty cool huh? My dad served as a procurement engineer for the Air Force although he really was a reassigned Marine. Dad retired Lt. Col. All of which meant both Dad and Mom made while not great money but good money, being a only wolf-pup, and being as my step brother had been lost in Vietnam as a MIA, I was spoiled, and catered to more than many of my peers. I had the chance and took those chances to do many things, go many places that my peers , even today could only dream of, and many they would never consider. If I wanted to try it, dad found a way to at least let me get wet in it whatever IT was.

Over the years my interests have boiled down to 4, in order; aviation especially helicopters, toew trucks, trick bikes, and of course radio or at least broadcasting. Of course in bring up the mix, we have Confederate American Southern culture studies that includes all things Dukes.

Anything else is a drive by hobby, for things we as a group and us as a company use or need to conduct business, that includes the talent searches etc. Oh yes in their early days, and I have went over this before, but in the early days it was permissible to flirt with the model talent. Some did more than flirt back and forth. Not today and I have learned once you get all giddy about a female , that you have on contract for a model, she gets you wrapped around her finger, gets you pussy whipped and all objectivity and your authority goes into the manure pile. If you’re a director producer like I am, that talent is human yes , but an employee, not your next to be shewolf, and that’s something sadly I allowed myself to do. Not so long ago. Those gals from Hagerman, one of which had me right by the nutsack. She had her claws in, though I think she was teasing or at least bluffing, it was when I called the bluff that shit hit the propeller. Beware of hot gals offering free beer, and food. She does what you tell em to do or give em the boot. To hell with this kissing their dirty butts.

Oh yes women’s butts are dirty, smelly, and dungy. Got the paper work for the Wolf’s Den in Ogden, so will be filling that out. Found a hangar out at Morgan Field, (Hazzard had a Morgan’s Airfield too) thing rents for $200.00 , hey it’s a start. Which means Cooter’s Kustmz out at Tooele, AyreWolvez hangar at Morgan, Radio station at Woodruff, AyreWolf Aviation at SkyPark in Woods Cross. Which brings up the thing, found all we need in Utah, but not much in Idaho. Idaho time to wake up.

Don’t forget the seminar presentation on Facebook, go link to Mirinda’s page and it’ll direct you to it. About Biblical oils.

Been pucky all night, No ain’t been drinking just maybe bad food. Dig this and oh I could upset a boat here, but was chowing down at McDonalds over yonder last night watching FoX News, about that Nelson Mandella passing away. Watch all media drag that out for weeks like they did Paul Walkers wreck. If the damn dumb media wants a story or something to get into, how about hey Stephanie from ch 7 you reading this? How about doing something on our club and our ties to Confederate history and politics? Lets see a Yankee TV station do something on the Coffee Camps.

So as I close to catch some sleep, I want to just say when it comes to Idaho the question is Idaho, for the love of Pete, but then again who is Pete?

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Opinions are like armpits: Everybody has two of them and they stink most of the time.
John 10:14-15““I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”

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